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Chelated Micronutrient Fertilizer

January 6, 2022

Micronutrients like zinc, boron, iron, copper, and manganese are essential for the health of crops and can boost plant quality and improve yields. Nutrient management is vital for effective productivity in crop production.

However, these nutrients are easily precipitated or oxidized in the soil, and thus, their utilization may not be optimal. A chelated micronutrient fertilizer offers an excellent way to enhance micronutrient optimization and efficiency.

At Ferticell, we offer a micronutrient fertilizer package with added freshwater algae that can help boost the availability of micronutrients in the soil and improve hydroponic or foliar reapplications. By including an application of Nutri-Plus™ with micronutrient applications, the amino acids in Nutri-Plus™ act as a natural chelator, increasing uptake of vital micronutrients. It should be mentioned this mix of Nutri-Plus™ and Microelements™ is an entirely soluble blend, some of which can be applied through foliar sprays, whereas others are directed to the soil.

What Are Chelates?

Chelates are organic elements that pick up and keep metal ions (soluble micronutrients) to prevent them from being oxidized by other ions. The good part is that these metal ions can still be absorbed through the roots and used as nutrients. Chelated micronutrients will have an increased bioavailability in soils with higher pH values, especially above 7.0.

Simply put, chelates make it easier and convenient for crops to access some nutrients. It also helps make metal ions more soluble, prevent precipitation, and reduce the toxicity level of ions.

Is Chelated Fertilizer Necessary?

As mentioned earlier, traditional micronutrients may be unavailable in the soil due to oxidation or precipitation processes. Chelated fertilizer is needed to boost the bioavailability of micronutrients and enhance crop quality. Low OM soils will have depleted micronutrient numbers and will benefit and respond to lower rates as a chelated metal ion.

Similarly, if soil micronutrient supplementation is inadequate or plants exhibit micronutrient stress, chelated fertilizer should be considered. In addition to chelated fertilizer, the amino acid can also be added to the soil to provide food and energy for microbes and modify different stress responses.

High yield production will deplete micronutrients from soil reserves and foliar applications will often produce the greatest efficiency of uptake to deficient plants. Tree nut crops and vegetables are at a greater risk for micronutrient deficiencies in high production soils.

Stress conditions such as a low temperature or soils that are saturated will reduce root growth that will directly influence the uptake of soil stored micronutrients, so foliar applications of chelated materials can maintain correct levels of metal lions that are critical in flowering and seed filling.

Where to Purchase Chelated Micronutrient Fertilizer from Ferticell

Ag retailers, if you want to supply your customers with a high-quality chelated micronutrient fertilizer, at Ferticell™, we can help. We partner with retailers and distributors across the country to ensure the production of sustainable agricultural products. View a full list of Approved Ag Retailers or Contact us online or call us at 480-361-1300 to see how we can help your business grow.

August 6, 2024
Abiotic stress is now impacting large parts of the U.S. This article is for those not using Ferticell® products as a preventative measure and include those that are, who now need more information on mitigation to prevent losses (Read more on abiotic stress in Part 1 of the series, https://www.agweb.com/news/crops/crop-production/ferticellrs-non-gmo-prescription- prevent-and/or-overcome-weather-related). Since we can’t control sunlight, rain, all salinity, and all nutrients, we can control inputs to prevent or reverse the stress. Plants are now beginning to reach a level of dormancy and if not acted upon it’s harder to overcome and if left untreated the yield can decline by 8-40%. We know our products work because of what they contain and do not e.g. no salt. We can improve the soil biome and soil structure to increase water holding capacity, water productivity, and water infiltration (now is the time to start the transition to less salt inputs before it is mandatory). This is especially needed in heavy clay soils or high salinity soils since they may hold water at a force greater than plants can extract it and further increase stress. Another issue is high levels of N means low absorption that leads to stress especially N with a high salt index, like UAN 32 at 71+, that impacts all aspects of metabolism. Ferticell® products are non-GMO and contain natural plant growth phytohormones, found in algae, microorganisms, unicellular fungi, and bacteria. Among them: Abscisic Acid {ABA}, Auxins {lAA), Cytokinins, Ethylene, Gibberellins {GA's), and Jasmonic acid. Water is not needed to activate when applied, is absorbed by the plant and active immediately in the plant for better outcomes. Ferticell® products: Allows faster, efficient fertilizer assimilation. Increases root development by increasing lateral and deeper roots, longer tap roots are important in finding water for drought resistance and survivability. Has lower salt content than seaweed or kelp products reduces salt burn potential versus the high salt conventional fertilizers that share some common ingredients. Promotes continuous feeding to retard or reverse dormancy. These products counteract abiotic stress and continue growth while increasing survivability. Nutri Plus™ 2.5-0-0, is a bio stimulant with 19 of 20 essential peptides + amino acids, with a total of 42. Amino Acids are considered the best natural bio stimulant and catalyst, second to water, stimulates the metabolic processes in the plant. The high levels of Aspartic and Glutamic acid are precursors to the other metabolic processes. The high Glycine content of Nutri-Plus promotes and supports chlorophyll activity. Universal™ 0-0-1 has a 25% algae content to handle all four stressors and hydration. It promotes biological activity in the root zone, for a stronger plant set, deeper roots for more efficient nutrient exchange and uptake. Helps your plants reach water before and during stress to make nutrient more readily available. Microelements™ 1-0-0 is a comprehensive package with the added benefit of freshwater algae that further aids plants during stress. Its sulfur is vital for photosynthesis, respiration, and the formation of cell membrane structure in the plant. Now that stress is occurring the above products are the most helpful in combination, the 3 options in rank of effectiveness for severe stress with #3 being the most efficient. Use what’s the best based outcome based on your budget: Option #1 32% UAN or 28% UAN and 2 Qt./acre Universal™ Option #2 1 Qt./acre Nutri Plus™ and 1 Qt./acre Microelements™ Option #3 1 Pt./acre Universal™, 1 Pt./acre Nutri Plus™, and 1 Qt./acre Microelements™ Our freshwater algae helps to drive the internal plant mechanism to act so it continues to thrive and function. Unlike other algae/seaweed products Universal™ has no salt index. Other products further stress plants before they might reverse them from the issues of stress, if at all. This added salt could actually kill the plant by burning it and since salt acts to excrete water, it further removes moisture from the plant. Nutri Plus™ also provides a small amount of plant-based nitrogen which will further encourage the desire to live and function. The inclusion of the sulfur and iron in Microelements™ will stimulate production of green color and photosynthesis for food and oxygen, helping to keep the plant thriving. FERTICELL® PRODUCTS ARE THE BEST “TANK BUDDY” ON THE MARKET!
June 25, 2024
Ferticell™ plant based amino acid Explorer™ 10-0-0 is absorbed within the first 3 hours, foliar or soil, and is immediately available. No wasted salt-based nitrogen for your soil, and Free of Chlorides. Enhances other forms of nitrogen when used in tank mixes with Pro-Primer™ 2-0-0.  Ferticell™ plant-based stimulants/nutrients uses freshwater algae extracts. This proprietary technology combines bacteria, enzymes and minerals that interact synergistically to stimulate plant growth, flowering, and fruiting while reducing stresses. It is a biological form of proteins, natural amino acids, Cytokinin, Auxin, soil cells extract, and a complete natural nutrient formula for a plant. Ferticell™ ammoniacal nitrogen needs no fixation for plant use, high efficiency, and no volatilization. Advantages come from providing high concentrations that are directly absorbed for plant use, even in poor soil biome areas. Our algae cell carrier is then available as a nutrient source “prebiotic” for the biome.
June 25, 2024
Ferticell’s products offer a unique value when used in conjunction with conventional fertilizers or other inputs. They assist in transporting conventional inputs into the plant. Our combination of single cell organisms are absorbed by plants and allow for passage between the cellular structure to an empty cell where it is delivered, instantly. Like pesticides we are concentrated for greater value.
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