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Abiotic stress is now impacting large parts of the U.S. This article is for those not using Ferticell® products as a preventative measure and include those that are, who now need more information on mitigation to prevent losses (Read more on abiotic stress in Part 1 of the series, https://www.agweb.com/news/crops/crop-production/ferticellrs-non-gmo-prescription- prevent-and/or-overcome-weather-related). Since we can’t control sunlight, rain, all salinity, and all nutrients, we can control inputs to prevent or reverse the stress. Plants are now beginning to reach a level of dormancy and if not acted upon it’s harder to overcome and if left untreated the yield can decline by 8-40%. We know our products work because of what they contain and do not e.g. no salt. We can improve the soil biome and soil structure to increase water holding capacity, water productivity, and water infiltration (now is the time to start the transition to less salt inputs before it is mandatory). This is especially needed in heavy clay soils or high salinity soils since they may hold water at a force greater than plants can extract it and further increase stress. Another issue is high levels of N means low absorption that leads to stress especially N with a high salt index, like UAN 32 at 71+, that impacts all aspects of metabolism.
Ferticell® products are non-GMO and contain natural plant growth phytohormones, found in algae, microorganisms, unicellular fungi, and bacteria. Among them: Abscisic Acid {ABA}, Auxins {lAA), Cytokinins, Ethylene, Gibberellins {GA's), and Jasmonic acid. Water is not needed to activate when applied, is absorbed by the plant and active immediately in the plant for better outcomes.
Ferticell® products:
These products counteract abiotic stress and continue growth while increasing survivability.
Now that stress is occurring the above products are the most helpful in combination, the 3 options in rank of effectiveness for severe stress with #3 being the most efficient. Use what’s the best based outcome based on your budget:
Our freshwater algae helps to drive the internal plant mechanism to act so it continues to thrive and function. Unlike other algae/seaweed products Universal™ has no salt index. Other products further stress plants before they might reverse them from the issues of stress, if at all. This added salt could actually kill the plant by burning it and since salt acts to excrete water, it further removes moisture from the plant. Nutri Plus™ also provides a small amount of plant-based nitrogen which will further encourage the desire to live and function. The inclusion of the sulfur and iron in Microelements™ will stimulate production of green color and photosynthesis for food and oxygen, helping to keep the plant thriving.
Ferticell® embodies what sustainability is based on. We carry a full line of unique sustainable fertilizers for use in commercial or organic agriculture production. We now have over 17 fertilizers in over 43 states nationwide, and are growing our product portfolio and dealer network. Want to become a dealer for the New Age, contact us!
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