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The Amino Acid Fertilizer for Healthier Plants

Ferticell® Nutri-Plus™ is a product containing active unicellular freshwater algae cells and high levels of amino acids. The algae cells are especially important in plant nutrition for increased yields, precocity, and quality in all crops. Nutri-Plus™ Fertilizer Amino acids act as natural stimulators for biological activity. They greatly influence rapid fixation of carbonic anhydride for photosynthesis, while producing a regulatory and balanced endo-cellular activity. The balance of amino acids results in an increased efficiency of protein formation, fertility of pollen, and resistance to cold weather stress.





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  • Applications prior to, during, or directly following a stress event can boost internal mechanisms within the plant and can prevent damage or facilitate crop recovery
  • Certified for organic use with 19 out of the 20 essential amino acids
  • Shown to increase protein formation, reduce plant stress, and lower energy requirements for protein synthesis
  • Has high levels of a balanced amino acid profile which are precursors for the formation of the other amino acids in the plant along with high glycine content, an amino acid which is the first link in chlorophyll synthesis
  • Stimulates protein formation in the plant
  • Promotes biological activity in the root zone
  • Works as a complexing agent for other nutrients


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