Our TDS (Technical Data Sheet) contains Product specifics including rates, analytics for each product and more.


Nutrient Programs

Compost and organic materials applied 2 to 6 weeks in advance of season

Product 1st Application at Initial Fruit Set 2nd Application During Fruit Enlargement 3rd Application During Fruit Enlargement 4th Application During Fruit Enlargement
Explorer™ 16-0-0 4 lbs./acre
Universal™ 0-0-1 32-64 fl. oz./acre *for color if needed 1 gal/acre
Active™ 5-10-10 2-3 lbs./acre
Microelement™ 1-0-0 64 fl. oz./acre 64 fl. oz./acre 64 fl. oz./acre 32 fl. oz./acre
Magnesium Sulfate 6% 1 gal/acre
Active™ 10-3-10 4 lbs./acre 2-3 lbs./acre 2 lbs./acre
Calcium 880Plus™ 32 fl. oz./acre 32 fl. oz./acre 32 fl. oz./acre
Nutri-Plus™ 2.5-0-0 32 fl. oz./acre 32 fl. oz./acre
Citric Acid 12-25% 1 gal/acre
Pro K™ 0-0-20 32 fl. oz./acre

Guidelines for Soils

  • CEC values or range of 20-30
  • Organic matter range of 4% to 6% as a minimum
  • pH range 4.5 to 5.5
  • Preplant materials should be lower in pH values with the addition of citric acid in multiple treatments: 1-2 gallons per acre as a 12% to 25% solution
  • Excess nitrogen may limit fruit production during fruit enlargement stage


  • Tissue samples are required in 30-day intervals.
  • Loss of cane production will require adjustments in n: k ratios.
  • Increase in fruit sizing needs are derived from calcium applications of 880 plus and rates can be increased by 50%. 



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