Our TDS (Technical Data Sheet) contains Product specifics including rates, analytics for each product and more.


Non-Cold Weather Periods Program

Product Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Universal™ 0-0-1 32oz/acre 32oz/acre 32oz/acre 32oz/acre 32oz/acre 32oz/acre
Application Method Drip/Injected Drip/Injected Foliar Drip/Injected Drip/Injected Foliar

*NOTE: This application program is based on a 5-6 week growth period for the living herbs. The last application made in this program before the herbs are shipped should always be foliar applied. If the last application comes in week 5, apply the product foliar rather than through the drip system. If the application for one of the weeks is missed, please include it into the following weeks application.


Cold Weather Periods Program

Product Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Nutri-Plus™ 3-0-0 32oz/acre 32oz/acre 32oz/acre 32oz/acre 32oz/acre 32oz/acre
Application Method Drip/Injected Drip/Injected Foliar Drip/Injected Drip/Injected Foliar

*NOTE: During periods of cold weather the amino acids and the oil which is formulated into Ferticell Nutri-Plus™ 3-0-0 will help protect the plant and keep it generating growth. If frost or freeze damage to the plant is a concern, apply the product foliar with just enough water for thorough coverage rather than through the drip system.



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