Our TDS (Technical Data Sheet) contains Product specifics including rates, analytics for each product and more.



Product Planting Hooking Vegetative Mid-Season If Phosphorus Levels Drop Mid-Season
Microelements™ 1-0-0 (in OR use Universal™ 0-0-1) 1-4 pints
Nutri-Plus™ 2.5-0-0 1-4 pints 1-2 pints 1-4 pints 1 pint
ProCal™ 3-0-0Plus20Ca *or Calcium 880Plus™ 2-3 lbs or 1-2 pints
Explorer™ Liquid 10-0-0 (can be added to solution 32 that is applied during season) 1-2 quarts (4-6 applications, depending on petiole sample)
Pro K™ 0-0-20 1-2 quarts
Active™ 2-20-2 1-2 lbs


  • Soil and Petiole samples should be taken weekly
  • Recommended nitrogen should be split into several applications, such as pre-plant and side-dress applications
  • Applications of Explorer™ Liquid can be added with solution 32
  • Microelements™ & Active™ are not registered in Oregon

If there are questions about petioles, give us a call.


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