Our TDS (Technical Data Sheet) contains Product specifics including rates, analytics for each product and more.



Product Pre-Plant 3-4 Leaf 10 days later Early Silk 14-Day Intervals
Active™ 2-20-2 2-4 lbs./acre
Microelements™ 1-0-0 32 fl. oz/acre
Explorer™ 16-0-0 64-96 fl. oz/acre
Active™ 5-10-10 64-96 fl. oz/acre
Nutri-Plus™ 2.5-0-0 32 fl. oz/acre
Calcium 880Plus™ 32 fl. oz/acre
Pro K™ 0-0-20 32-40 fl. oz/acre Same as silk program and determined by leaf analysis for NPK to adjust rates up or down.
Explorer™ Liquid 10-0-0 2-4 qt./acre Same as silk program and determined by leaf analysis for NPK to adjust rates up or down.


  • 1 lbs. of Explorer™ may be needed weekly for an 8-to-10-week cycle in cooler conditions and hopefully have drip tape in place
  • Calcium is required generally when the plants are at the 12” to 15” stage and 64 ounces per acre of Calcium 880Plus™
  • Budget review is mandatory for cost analysis per acre and the quality of compost is critical for NPK


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